20-11-oecon-ngeCallPlugtestsAt the beginning of November 2020 OECON Products & Services GmbH participated in the “Next Generation eCall Plugtests 2020”. The two-week event was organized by ETSI with the support of the European Commission, ETSI TC MSG, the sAFE 112 project and EENA.

The focus of the event was on the interoperability and harmonization of next generation eCall (NG eCall), respectively the long-term further development of eCall (LTE). These are crucial factors and challenges for the successful introduction and operation of the NG eCall service. Providers and users of eCall solutions had the opportunity to conduct interoperability test sessions with predefined test descriptions. Participants were ITS (In Vehicle System) providers as well as Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP). For us, as a leading and internationally operating provider of eCall test systems and eCall communication solutions, this event offered the excellent opportunity to get in direct contact with our customers, to exchange technical information and at the same time to make our new product, the “eCall Test and Development Server 3” available to the manufacturers of vehicle systems for their tests.

About ETSI

“ETSI is a not-for-profit organisation created under the French law of 1 July 1901 and recognised as the European standardisation body dealing with telecommunications, broadcasting and other electronic communications networks and services”. ~ ETSI

ETSI: Event Website for the NG eCall Plugtests