Extract of our current automotive projects
European platform for developing uniform standards & communication solutions for C-ITS applications
As a member state of the C-Roads cooperation, Germany will develop, test and further develop seven different C-ITS services under the supervision of the BASt (Federal Highway Research Institute). The results will be brought into the European C-Roads platform and thus “C-Roads Germany” will contribute to a Europe-wide and transnational introduction of C-ITS services.
Development of standards for openly accessible high-resolution dynamic map data
In the course of the project, static (traffic signs, road works, etc.) and dynamic map data (weather, traffic situation, etc.) are processed and made available via the Urban Data Platform on the Internet and via the infrastructure using WLAN-based ITS-G5 communication.
- Behörde für Verkehr und Mobilitätswende, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg (lead)
- DLR - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V., Braunschweig
- HAW - Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Hamburg
- IKEM - Institut für Klimaschutz, Energie und Mobilität – Recht, Ökonomie und Politik e. V., Berlin
- OECON Products & Services GmbH, Braunschweig
- consider it GmbH, Hamburg
- Ubilabs GmbH, Hamburg
Testfeld Niedersachsen
Test field for connected and automated driving in Lower Saxony
The Lower Saxony test field is an open research platform that will be available to partners from industry and research for individual test and research purposes for the development and testing of automated and networked vehicles. The DLR is gradually installing the necessary technology on motorways 2, 7, 391 and 39 as well as on federal and rural roads.
Networking of virtualized traffic infrastructures and automated driving functions for sustainable mobility solutions
The aim of the ViVre project is the networking of virtualized traffic infrastructures and automated driving functions for central traffic hubs, in order to develop building blocks for innovative and sustainable mobility solutions. In particular, concepts for new virtual stops are developed, implemented in road traffic and evaluated. Integrated functions of automated networked vehicles and virtualized infrastructure are being developed.
Network coordinator: German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Project volume: € 7.91 million (thereof € 6.43 million funded by the BMVI)
Project duration: 01/2020 - 12/2021
The aim of the ANIKA project was to have emergency call pillars communicate with passing vehicles. In addition to the technical specification, ANIKA also addressed the question of which V2I services should be supported by emergency telephones. In the future, emergency call pillars equipped with V2I technology could even be used to send warning messages (e.g. wrong-way drivers) to other drivers and the traffic management center.
The aim is to develop digital solutions for traffic junctions (intersections) with mixed traffic (automated and non-automated vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) in the inner-city area. For this purpose, a digital test field - AIM (Application Platform Intelligent Mobility), which was already set up in 2014 by the DLR in Braunschweig for research purposes, is used and expanded.
The aim of FAMOS 1 was the targeted integration of Galileo in future safety and information concepts for driver assistance systems as well as the development of new systems, procedures and solutions for location-based mobility services.
In FAMOS 2, three location-based driver assistance applications were examined: threading and unthreading assistant, green driving and accident black spot warning. These were implemented prototypically on an experimental platform.
In the GAMAA-A project, a concept and a prototype for an inexpensive 3-frequency satellite receiver (Galileo / EGNOS / GPS) were developed that meet the high requirements of the automotive industry with regard to high precision and reliable positioning.
In the GENEVA project, proactive and scalable assistance systems that are specially adapted to complex urban traffic situations were developed. These assistance systems increase and improve traffic safety in inner-city areas for all road users.