Certified IVS Test Server for eCall Compliance Tests

Certified and compliant with the eCall EU standards

The eCall IVS Test Server is certified and meets all requirements of the eCall-EU-standards (e.g. EN16454). Therefore it can be used to its full extend to conduct eCall compliance test with eCall in-vehicle systems (IVS) according to the „Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/79“.
  • Proven technology

    The product uses the OECON eCall decoder, which has proven its reliability in hundreds of thousands of tests and in many control centers in Europe.

  • Standalone or Upgrade

    The OECON eCall IVS Test Server is offered as a standalone solution or as an upgrade for the test and development server.

  • Our experience is your advantage

    OECON has been involved with pan-European eCall for many years and has already successfully completed several projects in the field of eCall.
