eCall Test & Development Server 4.0

Since its launch in 2010, our eCall test and development server has been a resounding success. Automotive manufacturers and suppliers around the world use our tools to test the eCall devices used in their vehicles with this certified tool.

The new version 4.0 of the eCall test and development server

  • Certified support for eCallNG with SIP header-based data transmission.

    The server accepts and transmits calls via IP-based telephony and decodes the MSD data transmitted in the SIP header.

  • Remote interface for integrating the server into existing automation test procedures.

    You can use this interface to perform everything that is possible within the web interface from an automation test tool - including the "Recall", "Resend MSD" and "Audio Loop" functions.

  • A comprehensive set of predefined test cases in accordance with EN16454 and EN17240.

    These test cases can be used to test the conformity of an eCall-based ITS in accordance with EN16454 without any further preparation. The extended test options are still available for your own customer-specific tests.

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Key Features of all Versions

  • Certified eCall test platform for vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and developers

    ... of in-vehicle systems (IVS) for the development of eCall vehicle components for eCall with in-band technology and ecallNG with SIP support

  • Ideal for real-time ITS and field tests

    ... for Europe-wide eCall and ERA GLONASS, supports current specifications according to CEN, ETSI and GOST R

  • Modern user interface with additional dark mode

    Complete, easy-to-use web interface for PSAP simulation, configuration of test cases and evaluation

  • Easy data export

    Easy data export

  • Modular design

    Can be expanded with additional modules as required